Monday, August 27, 2012

Watir & Watir-webdriver

Watir is an open-source tool for automating web browsers. Watir supports only IE, but Watir-webdriver supports also Firefox, Chrome and Safari. Scripting language is Ruby.

Watir is a bit more mature, faster and stable than watir-webdriver. Watir is also always automatically waiting for the pages / components to fully load before continuing, not like Selenium or Watir-webdriver where you sometimes have to add extra code for that.

If you don't care about running scripts in different browsers or on different operating systems, then I would use Watir. If you want to run your scripts against different browsers or your application is having frames / iframes, then I would use Watir-webdriver.

Ruby is an excellent scripting language with a lot of existing gems for e.g. ssh, ftp, http and mysql connectivity. Watir doesn't have any in-built logging functionality, but using it together with Cucumber makes it an excellent tool / framework for testing web applications.

Watir is a tool developed by testers for testers.



  1. Download Ruby installer from and run it. During installation select Ruby to be added to PATH and to associate .rb files to this Ruby installation.
  2. Download Ruby Devkit from and extract it. In the extracted folder, run commands ruby dk.rb init and ruby dk.rb install to setup and install it.
  3. Install Watir gem with command: gem install watir
  4. Install Watir-webdriver gem with command: gem install watir-webdriver
Example script - Google search


require 'rubygems'
require 'watir-webdriver'

    browser =
    puts "Go to"
    browser.goto ""

    puts "Search for Watir"
    browser.text_field(:name, "q").set "Watir"
    browser.button(:id, "gbqfb").click
    Watir::Wait.until { browser.text.include? 'Web Application Testing in Ruby' }

    puts "FAILED: " + $!.to_s

More information



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