Friday, September 14, 2012

QC OTA API Filter usage in Ruby

Creating filters can be one of the trickiest things in QC OTA API usage. The first thing you might run into when using Ruby is how you set a filter. In Visual Basic you set a filter like this:

testsetFilter.Filter("CY_CYCLE_ID") = "> 0"

However, in Ruby you have to use the setproperty method e.g.

testsetFilter.setproperty('Filter', 'CY_CYCLE_ID', '> 0')

There were a couple of filters that I was struggling with, but finally got them working. The first one was when I wanted to filter only test cases for some specific test sets in the Test Lab. The working Ruby code looks like this:

testsetf = qc.TestSetFactory
testsetFilter = testsetf.Filter
testsetFilter.setproperty('Filter', 'CY_CYCLE_ID', '> 0')
testsetl = testsetf.NewList(testsetFilter.Text)

testf = qc.TestFactory
testFilter = testf.Filter
testl = testFilter.NewList()

... and I have a list with the filtered tests.

The second problem was with filtering tests for only a specific folder path in Test Plan. The working Ruby code looks like this:

aFilter.setproperty('Filter', 'TS_SUBJECT', "^Subject\\release1^")

... using the TS_PATH property only returned empty value and the trick with TS_SUBJECT property was to use "^ and ^" before and after the value. To get the test path from a list of tests e.g.


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